All Eyes on Rafah: Yes Theory Reacts to the Israel-Palestine Gaza War

An Israeli air strike killed at least 45 people, including children, at a refugee camp in Rafah, Gaza. Here is how Yes Theory members reacted to the ongoing Israel-Palestine Gaza War.

At least 36,050 Palestinians killed and 81,026 wounded in Israel’s war on Gaza since October 7.

Thomas Brag of Yes Theory wrote this on his Instagram story:

A few years ago, I made the decision to not post about active world conflicts or news.

I do think however that the war in Gaza and the genocide currently taking place has taken such an amplitude at this point that I think it’s much past time for me to clearly mark my stand against this violence.

For a people group and a country to be so relentlessly dehumanized and exterminated in 2024 is truly beyond belief.

As someone who seeks to build bridges between people there is nothing more disheartening than to see the amount of hate, anger and violence currently taking place.

At this point the question is: when will our leaders see? When will our leaders take action?

I sadly see no end in sight to this madness but I hope our world leaders come to their senses.

I hope we one day wake up to the madness of war and violence.

That we truly see the countless decades, generations of pain it creates.

l’ve traveled to too many destroyed countries and seen first hand the deep rooted pain in the hearts of those who survived.

Power hungry, warmongering leaders need to be held accountable and those who claim to stand for peace, especially our Western leaders, need to show that they mean it.

Ammar Kandil of Yes Theory wrote,

Rafah is 250 miles away from where I was raised in Egypt.

My dad gave my siblings & I Palestinian names (because one of his best friends was Palestinian) so we grew up very connected to the brutal injustice committed against our neighbors for over 70 years by Israel.

As a child I never understood why people who looked like me or spoke my language didn’t matter to the world? Now as an adult I ask the same question…

#SaveRafah #FreePalestine

He also added,

I don’t think I’Il look at my silent friends the same. I’ve had many conversations begging my friends to speak up.

Many immediately stood up when they understood how important it was.

Others chose silence over humanity. I wonder how they wiIl tell their children they were silent. I don’t believe history will be kind to people who choose silence.

The 29th US ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley signing the rockets dropped in Rafah — Finish them

Ammar Kandil also shared this photo and wrote this — The 29th US ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley signing the rockets dropped in Rafah — “Finish them”

When Staffan Taylor of Yes Theory added a video of children of Rafah before the war, a person replied this,

“Don’t start a war with an army that can destroy you and then cry when you’re losing. I didn’t see you preaching when Hamas attacked Israel so shut up now.” – Israeli Supporter

Staffan wrote a detailed post replying to the above message,

“If you call it a war to kill children then I think you are very far away from having any kind of empathy or love in your heart & I can only feel sorry for you. Look into any child’s eyes, let down your shoulders & realize we are all brothers & sisters sharing this earth. 

I have spoken up about Hamas terrible actions & I have also previously in my life been to Auschwitz to witness its horrific history. I will always support humanity. What’s going on with increased segregation is awful. Don’t speak with hatred in your mouth to any of your earthly brothers or sisters.

What you can speak up against is all mad “Leaders” who have blood on their hands.

Don’t be fooled into trusting people who think there is any justice in what’s happening now in Rafah.

Choose for yourself what you send out from your inner antenna. What you will send out, will grow.

So choose intentionally.

With a scared brain we are even capable of creating atom bombs & destroying each other, but with an open heart we can create something far greater for all our children…

Love you all out there.”

In the end, I just want to say that this world has become a living hell. Open your eyes. Speak up. I feel suffocated when I stay silent. Don’t you?

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