17-year-old Vedant Agarwal was involved in the Pune Porsche accident that killed two people on May 19.
Here are some updates on the Vedant Agarwal Pune accident case.
- Vedant Agarwal – Bail canceled after social media outrage and sent to remand for killing 2 people with his car.
- Vishal Agarwal (Father) – Arrested for allowing his son to drive the car.
- Surendra Agarwal (Grandfather) – Arrested for covering up and forcing the driver to take the blame.
- CMO Srihari Halnor and HOD medicine Ajay Tawre of Sassoon Hospital Pune, arrested for throwing Vedant’s blood sample in the dustbin and sending another blood sample for forensics, due to which the blood alcohol report came negative.
- An inspector and another official attached to the Yerwada police station were suspended for delayed reporting of the offense and dereliction of duty.
The victims were 24 year old kids. They had a promising career ahead, their families were dependent on them.
What do we demand?
- That the father be punished for allowing his son to drink, being a minor and for allowing him to drive.
- Both establishments need to get their license suspended for serving alcohol to minors and criminal proceedings must be undertaken.
- Vedant’s father, Vishal can only be tried under the motor vehicle’s act and he can’t be held liable for his drunk son’s murder of 2 people under the IPC. We demand the bail be canceled and he get punished more severely, even though he is a juvenile.
Old enough to drink, old enough to drive, old enough to kill 2 people, but too young to get punished? Nah.
I’m disgusted at how corrupt people can be
when it comes to money. They are okay with tampering evidence even when 2 innocent youngsters have lost their lives.
I’m glad that social media can actually build pressure on the authorities to act in such cases where they sell their souls for money.
Will not stop until justice is served.
Much love and respect,
Your friendly neighborhood bear.
Written by – Ted the Stoner