Ambani Wedding – The Pedestrian Vulgarity Of The Super Rich

There is a reason why the super rich Ambanis look so comic in their desperation to find an audience in the social media with their choice of over the top dresses, celebrations, milling around guests, the Ambani kids looking like officious guides about to put up a performance directing people, ridiculous dancing on which they probably spent hundreds of practice hours to coordinate their two left feet, their need to bring in western pop singers because they cost more, plaster their rates all over to get people gawping stupidly, get famous actors to serve food and entertain guests with tasteless jokes, a sorry predication of their unintelligent minds hidden behind their cosmetic masks.
The list goes on. The waste stuns.
Money can’t buy class. They collectively appear to be needing the ostentation to confirm their happiness. The rich often live in their bubbles. These need to put the bubble on social media for the watch and swoon unwashed masses. The social cells are instructed to add hundreds of comments on these videos that go ‘ very nice’, ‘good dancing’, ‘adorable’ and so on basically asking all others to follow in the same vein.
Any dip in the horn of plenty is fixed by raising recharge fees and getting all the spectators pay for their entertainment. It makes you wonder what might their thoughts be… Mukesh is probably scheming about how to make more as soon as this is over. Nita is bemoaning she has no more sons to marry off in a serial wedding spree. The bahus must, by now, be bored with clothes, jewellery, travel, no? Perhaps when your cranial compartment is low in matter, it can’t process more than the baubles amd trinkets of life. Their everyday life seems dreadfully humdrum in the fecundity of just same ol’ riches.
What might someone as privileged, and with a lot more class have done? Add a dash of Hindi sanskaar they are so proud of. Created history ofcourse.
A modest classy wedding of 5 days, great Indian culture and music for the world to see, sound and light shows of our great ancient architecture as background to the family photographs making the world salivate over our incredible country and the first business family who can afford to frame it for personal shoots. Vanity satiated. Tourism promoted. Contrast this with Justin in chaddi pants and the other chick doing uncoordinated moves and a few hundred dancers gyrating un rhythmically that they chose instead. Vulgar display of mediocrity.
They, clearly, are fools.
Each Ambani could have done charity. What would 120 crore pedas cost for all the children in India? Just what they paid these imported entertainers who looked like they didn’t do a day’s work for that money. What is the legacy you create in feeding the poor? Fools they are.
Nita could have opened a few schools
In each state. The kids used their own expertise to give back to the people. Built toilets, dug wells, built animal sanctuaries, financed clinics, created maternal counselling – all as Anant Radhika Centres. What a wedding that would be!
Alas! We have this tasteless jumboorie of the Ambanis grinning around like a bunch of jack rabbits. I dread to think of the food wasted, the costs on lighting, transport, security, traffic snarls, inflation in hotels. Down the drain, adding nothing to the family but contempt. Sad. Very sad.
This article is written by Usha Pandit